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What are the park hours?Park is open to the the public year-round * Hours of the park are currently 8:00am to 5:00pm. * Gate may open or close sooner or later than times posted without notice due to weather, events or other situations that may arrive. Vehicles must be outside the gate BEFORE the posted closing time. Pickleball games must end before closing time.
Is after hours access allowed?Tahoe Paradise Park has a "No trespassing after Dark" policy. Vehicles must be outside the gate before posted closing time. People fishing in the lake, on foot or bicycle riders please exit the park within one hour of posted park gate closing time. Pickleballers must exit the courts before the closing time. Those who book events whose contract states an event time beyond posted closing times have permission to remain in park after dark if the contract allows. All others, please speak to the Hosts at the Host house within the park for permission to be in the park during nighttime hours, otherwise Sherrif will be called on all trespassers who have not received permission. Entrance road is Park property. Parking on entrance road after dark without permission will be considered trespassing. Pedestrians and Bicycles have the right to traverse bridge and bike trail during night hours only if they stay on the bike path/road and pass through. Those who divert from bike path into the Park at night without permission will be considered trespassers. Security cameras are in effect 24/7 in Paradise Park.
Are dogs allowed in the park? Woof?!Dogs are welcome in Tahoe Paradise Park, leashed. All dogs must be on a leash and Leash Law will be strictly enforced No dogs allowed in playground area, tennis courts and on the beach in the Upper Park Please be prepared and pick up after your dog (Dog Stations are available throughout park)
Is there parking available?Yes! Only Upper parking lot is available in the Fall/Winter depending on the snowfall. Spring and Summer months, we have plenty of parking. Parking Fee Daily parking fee is @ $5. per vehicle 2024-2025 Parking Passes are now available! Annual passes can be purchased for $50. (locals with any 9615x zip) and $85. (outside of 9615x zip) Passes are a full 12 month pass from purchase date In Person Sales Only: (Visit Park Host at House near Park Entrance) For 12 month pass, please bring: ‣proof of residency ‣Current Personal ID ‣Payment of $50. -Preferably cash or a check made out to TPRPD - Credit Card fee applies via Paypal ‣$25. for an additional pass ‣Non-residents pay $85. 12 month Parking pass / Courts COMBO Passes are available for $150. (Pickleball/Tennis 12 month Pass is $125.) Passes are a full 12 month pass from purchase date Times to purchase in person at park: * Wed to Fri, 10am until sunset. Saturday, Sunday - 1pm until Sunset Monday, Tuesday - Host House Closed to Public * If host unavailable during expected available times, please call number on door to arrange an appointment. We will return your call ASAP.
Are there any restrictions on Lake Baron (Upper Park)?Paddle boarding, kayaking and swimming activities are welcomed NO jet ski's or motorized boats allowed. (Small boats with electric outboard only) NO dogs allowed on beach or inside tennis courts ALL dogs at the park MUST be leashed (pick up stations with bags are provided and placed throughout park for your convenience) (1) One Tennis court and (8) Four Pickle Ball courts are available Hiking and Mountain bike trails are throughout park.
Are there any courts to play sports?ATTENTION: Pickleball / Tennis Courts are closed for the 2024 season and will reopen approximately April/May, depending on weather conditions. There is One Tennis court and 8 Pickle Ball courts All courts are first-come first-serve basis Fee is $4. per person/per visit and those 17 years and under are Free - Please pay fees BEFORE playing at the green fee box posted by courts Annual Pickleball/TennisPasses are available @ $125. Annual Parking pass /Pickleball/Tennis COMBO Passes are available. $150. Passes are a full 12 month pass from purchase date Players must exit courts before posted gate closing times. In Person Sales Only: (Visit Park Host at House near Park Entrance) Times to purchase 12 month passes in person at park: * Wed to Fri, 10am until sunset. Saturday, Sunday - 1pm until Sunset Monday, Tuesday - Host House Closed to Public * If host unavailable during expected available times, please call number on door to arrange an appointment. We will return your call ASAP.
What are the rules to fishing at Lake Baron?Rules & Regulations Fishing is year-round Fishing hours is legal one hour prior to sunrise to one hour after sunset (Parking rules to be outside of gate before posted closing time must also be observed) Barbless, artificial lures only. No bait. Licenses for any person, 16 years of age or older, must have a valid California fishing license Catch & release is suggested at Lake Baron and has a two fish limit per day during the months of July and August only. Catch & release only from September to June with the exception of the Fishing Derby day. Fishing licenses can be obtained from local sporting goods stores. Failure to obtain a fishing license or to follow rules and regulations can result in stiff fines Lake is patrolled by Fishing and Game. Paradise Park reserves the right to call sheriff or Fish and Game on any who break these rules.
How to host an event at the clubhouse?We suggest reserving facilities at least six months to a year in advance of an event in order to reserve the best dates and times Events may be accommodated upon availability Retainer fees are due prior to the scheduled date and are based upon the time and facility rented Go to the "Reserve" page to make your reservation
What can I reserve in the Lower Park?Park and use of picnic tables are available to reserve for your next picnic or event and celebration. We ask that groups who number 6 or more persons to make a reservation at least one week in advance. All groups (6 to 400 persons) who wish to reserve a park picnic space and tables. Reservations are made on a first-come first-serve basis. Group picnic area near the playground is perfect for children's birthdays. Group picnic on left side away from playground well suited for quieter gatherings. Children's Playground is available to children and is ideal for ages of 5-12 years old
Can I camp, campfire and charcoal grill at the park?"Day use picnic areas are available by reservation, then, first come first serve basis if available No overnight camping allowe d No campfires allowed in park Use of Charcoal Grills is prohibited at this time You may bring your own propane/gas BBQ (if no Red Flag warning day is issued) Please clean up after yourself and place trash in appropriate bins provided or PACK OUT is best.
How to get Parking Passes?Parking Fee Daily parking fee is @ $5. per vehicle 2024-2025 Parking Passes are now available! Annual passes can be purchased for $50. (locals with any 9615x zip) and $85. (outside of 9615x zip) Passes are a full 12 month pass from purchase date In Person Sales Only: (Visit Park Host at House near Park Entrance) For 12 month pass, please bring: ‣proof of residency ‣Current Personal ID ‣Payment of $50. -Preferably cash or a check made out to TPRPD - If using Paypal, guest must pay Paypal service fee. ‣Non-residents pay $85. 12 month Parking pass / Courts COMBO Passes are available for $150. (Pickleball/Tennis 12 month Pass is $125.) Passes are a full 12 month pass from purchase date Times to purchase in person at park: * Wed to Fri, 10am until sunset. Saturday, Sunday - 1pm until Sunset Monday, Tuesday - Host House Closed to Public * If host unavailable during expected available times, please call number on door to arrange an appointment. We will return your call ASAP.
Why is Tahoe Paradise Park instituting paid parking?Tahoe Paradise Park receives $60K of public money toward operations every year; $50K comes from Measure S, and an additional $10K comes from the Joint Powers Authority. It costs a minimum of $135K to operate the park each year. The $75K difference is entirely raised by the park through various fundraising efforts (event sales, park home rental, pickleball and donations). Operating money does not include savings toward deferred maintenance and capital improvements. Deferred maintenance projects for the park currently include 1) repairs and replacement of the clubhouse approach walkway 2) repairs to the clubhouse roof 3) replacement of the failed court 1 4) repaving of the parking lot 5) repaving of walkways throughout the park 6) repairs to the playground 7) tree work throughout the park 8) reinforcement and protection of riverbank along the Upper Truckee River frontage. The public money assured by Measure S is provided for a 30-year time window, beginning in year 2000 and ending in year 2030. There is currently no continuance of public funding for the park after 2030. The park is engaging greater fund-raising efforts, including paid parking, for the entire purpose of 1) ensuring that annual operating costs are met, 2) developing saving set-aside funds for deferred maintenance and capital improvements, and 3) establishing an independent income option for park financial continuation after the sunset of Measure S funding.
Why does it cost $130K+ annually for basic park operations?Tahoe Paradise Park has many annual operating expenses. Here is a list of the major expenses the park must cover: Payroll for four seasonal & part-time employees: $ 81,000.00 Liability & Workers Compensation Insurance: $12,000.00 Fish-stock to Lake Baron: $8,000.00 Building & Grounds maintenance expenses: $7,000.00 Music in the Park: $5,000.00 Water & Electric Utility Expenses: $10,000.00 Porta-Pottie rental and cleaning: $4,000.00 Snow Removal Contract (upper parking lot): $3,000.00 Dumpster rental and servicing: $2,500.00 Equipment Maintenance: $2,500.00 Annual Audit Fee: $1,500.00
Why do we pay employees so much for simply picking up trash?Tahoe Paradise Park is very efficient with the use of payroll dollars, and our part-time / seasonal employees certainly do much more than pick up trash! Here is a partial list of tasks required of compensated employees at the park: Open the gates in the morning, and close them in the evening; every day. Trash maintenance from 14 collection stations. Lawn maintenance; mowing, trimming, irrigation, fertilizing, aeration. Beach maintenance, including regular raking and screening for goose leavings. Maintenance and operation of lake fill and spillway systems. Trail maintenance. Tree trimming, removal and ground repairs. Splitting and Stacking of Firewood for sale. Clubhouse, courts and disc golf maintenance. Daily Bathroom cleaning and restocking Crushing dumpster trash. Capital improvement projects. Community interface at the park. Observational & direct security. Accounting and county interface for claims, payments and audits. Sales, accounting and support for park events. Pay to park notification handouts. Restocking of Parking and Pickleball Envelopes Signage maintenance and updating. Answering phone 7 days a week. Winter snow removal operations and storage.
Will Tahoe Paradise Park be forcing paid parking for the Farmers Market every week?The lower parking lot is always closed* during the Meyers Mountain Market. All vehicles must exit upper parking lot by 1:30pm. We ask all patrons to walk, bike, skip, hop, dance, or skate their way into the market! If you must drive, the Market has contracted use of the Magnet School parking lot at 1095 E. San Bernardino Avenue for parking during their market events. * Those with genuine disabled placards or license plates may enter the park carefully and slowly AFTER 3PM to park in one of four handicapped locations provided.
Can the park crowd-fund? Get Grants? Get more tax money? Anything other than paid parking?The park employs four seasonal / part-time people in direct tasks to address park operations. Beyond these four people, there is the park board. The park board consists of five elected (or appointed) representatives of the community. None of the board positions are paid. All board members volunteer the time that they can to help oversee and operate the park. As the park’s payroll is currently at the budget limit, there is no compensated person available in the park universe to pursue alternative financing options like crowd-funding, grants, and lobbying our community political structure for additional tax dollars. Instead, board members volunteer the time they have available to pursue these goals. Members of the public with ideas and time to donate toward engaging plans to assist the park should absolutely get involved to help. Engage with the process by attending monthly park board meetings! Board meeting details are posted at the park, on the park website, and on park social media outlets.
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